I'd like to get yalls opinion on spawn raping. Are you for it or should we hang the rapers from the yardarm? CPD is the home of many gamers and many games. I'd like the opinions of all gamers no mater what game you play.
I'd like to get yalls opinion on spawn raping. Are you for it or should we hang the rapers from the yardarm? CPD is the home of many gamers and many games. I'd like the opinions of all gamers no mater what game you play.
hey RAB,
i have different opinions for the different games i play:
in C4 you have the respawn-invincibility for around 7 seconds, that is in most cases enough time for climbing, retracting the landing-gear, open bay doors and finding the right position for shooting your base raping opponents down.
in other words i don't really care for base rapers / spawn point rapers in this game, they only deliver my points to me.
in JO are more places where you can spawn, being raped not on the base is part of the game, so that you got to know how to handle it. you have the invincibility as well as in C4. if they are close to you, then the raper has regular no chance. if he's far away with rifle, then you can avoid being shoot by running zig zag. if he's in a tank, then it can get really frustrating, in that case i spawn somewhere else and donate him two explosive charges sneaking up from behind.
since JO does on most maps have also an untakeable spawn point, doing there a rape is everything else than good sportsmanlike behaviour. these spawn rapers are often flamed verbally from the server quickly or their team mates are taking care of him by team killing him several times until he leaves.
the stats server of JO live in a completely different world, everyone strives for the best ratio and base raping seems a probate way in keeping it high. i do not play in JO on stats servers, so i wouldn't say it is a big problem there.
in BF you have no spawn invincibility with all negative effects. so that knowing which spawn point is usable becomes vital.
on the bottom line raping the untakeable base spawn point is nothing people should be encouraged to, but if you choose the server you play on carefully, then you won't experience it that much often.
OK Kill Me consider this. The map Fault Line Rubble which I served quite alot. Also available in the map section here.(shamless plug for the CPD download section) You spawn inside a hanger. The time it takes you to get off the ground and start moving towards WP1 is more then the spawn armor covers. So about the time you clear the base someone pops up out of a ravine fires and drops down. Just about any map you can think of has a number of spots you can sit behind and wait long enough for the spawn armor to wear off. To me its not a very sportsmanlike way to play the game. Not just C4 but any game.
i see your point. it seems the custom maps are an exception in C4. but on all stock maps i do not see the problem that much drastically.
I personally think spawn raping is the most unsportsmanlike act a gamer can take part in. In any game. Spawn armor or not. When you call them on it, many gamers shrug it off and tell you "war is hell." Well yes, war is hell. Ask anyone fighting in it. But online games shouldn't be. I don't wanna sound cheesy but, "It's not whether you win or lose; it's how you play the game."
I think it shows not only poor judgement but poorer flying ability. Much like those who just sit there and hoover (camping). Takes a lot of skill to do that. I think it should not be allowed at all unless your new and really trying to learn. If the point of the game was just to rack up as many points as you can, and hide and camp all the time, no one would be flying, they would just be waiting. I think it is a crapy way to play the game and this is part of the reason lots have lost interest in the game.
Reddraco IFS
like killme said - in c4 you have 7 seconds of being invincible, so for most maps base rapers are SOL
however, in all the versions of BF, especially if the teams or the map are uneven, base raping is really a pathetic way to get points. When I first played DC, guys use to parachute down on the carriers with the map glitch and go in the conning tower walls and snipe spawners - how lame can you get. When lrs started playin DC we had so much fun blowin each other up, etc etc and everyone was a newbie, but One of the reasons I never went back to playing DC is that the guys playin all the time got to be so much better that the game got to be no fun anymore (not their fault - I never had time to practice and they were playin 24/7). Bottom line is - when you got guys that help you out and "newbie" servers a game can be so much more fun (or closed servers). I have so much respect for EA and the guys who modded DC for all the updates and trying to fix the glitches and bugs, but even then it always came down to playin with guys you know and trust to make it fun. when I was with LRS we had a standin rule in BF of no base raping unless you captured all the flags first, and that seemed fair enough (since the game was kaput at that point anyway for all intents and purposes)
same thing happened to me when I used toplay BHD - you would go into an open server and there would be lamers with aimbots hittin you with head shots everytime on spawn, hittin you with head shots even if you were movin around in a chopper on a night map, etc.
bottom line for me is that it takes a some or all of the above to make a game really work out:
- a software/game company that is committed to updating and supporting a game, and providing timely anti-cheat patches or software (not just lip service about it)
- a community that is committed to making the game fun, helping newbies, and even putting up newby servers sometimes (somehow I think that squads are really a good thing in this respect, cause squad practice, and squad training helps so much)
- a community that is interested in putting up quality servers and maps
- groups/squads that are interested in keeping things fair, and above all fun for the guys (repeat, FUN for the guys)
I mean, think about it. where would c4 be if it weren't for guys like inso and avenger ? and if law, lrs, sai, etc hadn't put up decent servers way back when cause nova only had one server up for the game ? Man, when BF came out and EA had rockin servers all over the world, I couldn't believe it, it was so cool.
-anyway,not trying to dis nova or anyone else, just my 2 cents![]()
Well guys i have been playing C4 for about a year now maby more (but not much) and i have seen base raping and spaun killing as part n parcel of the game and to me its nothing new!!
Base raping becomes more aparrent when the numbers are uneven you know 3 blue vs 6 red usually the server takes care of thease numbers but when 3 of one team drop out then it gives an unfair advantage to the other team!! When this happens i allways try (as long as i notice) to swop sides to the team that needs the players!! this seams to work, to keep the numbers even and spaun raping down to a minimum
also wot goes arround comes arround
Im sure all of us in the past have base raped, and we have pillaged some baces too our selves
the way i see it do it once in a map and once only (if you are lucky enough to get there)
It would be good if everyone could do the same!! (but who am i kidding)
This is kind of a sticky one. Each game is differn't C4 offers some spawn armour how ever, unlike fps where you have to aim at the other player in order to get a kill for the most part in C4 you really don't. Stingers track heat
All that a spawn raper needs to do is point the stingers in the general direction and fire and the game does the rest. I personally always liked to have some one spawn rape me on most maps, I use the spawn armour to get kills. I have also spawn raped players. If it was a newer player spawning at the base I would give them the chance to fire first.
On the other hand I have been on the receiving end of spawn raping in BHD when players on the team being raped start leaving the server. It's not fun being out numberd and raped while at the same time it can't be all that much fun for the other team either when there is only a few players left and you have 20 people fighting over a few kills.
The way C4 is played now is where some of the problem comes from with it. With so many players camping, juiced up macros and every other thing someone can do to get ahead. Sound tracking to attack players across the map isn't as fun as it once was. That's one of the reasons you only see 12 players on line at peak hours. With as few players playing C4 as there is. It shouldn't be an issue. The server should be able to set the rules they want to use and it's a done deal.
Either the players decide having others to play with and having someone willing to host games is what's important or it's a mute point.
Every one has thier own idea of what fair is. The main point is it's a game. Games have rules. The rules should be to make the game fair and to help make it fun. If you know what the rules are for where you want to play either agree to them or play some where else.
I AGREE WITH ALL OF THE ABOVE BASE RAPING SUCKS ARSES...but we have all done it from time to time but we all know its wrong...Originally Posted by Reaper
I really hated it when i was newb and i hate doing it to newbs now.. but as reap sayes with onlt 10-12 ppl playing we can only hold still for so long ..then we get biatched @ for hill poppin..can't win for winning...thats why it's just a game after all and we just need to switch sides if they r uneven..ie it could be 4on 4 but the newbs r all on the same(raped) side... just my thoughts on a very touchy subject..rorors up and wath out for that reaper..he'll blow you some new holes in your chopper
In an open server, where open communication(ie Team Speak) is not to a teams advantage(in a TDM map), and newbies are about, base raping is not my usual attack. I will welcome 2-3 base rapers on my base, because of spawn armor, I can usually take all three out, while dying in the process(who wont take a 3-1 kill/death ratio?)But it is not fair to newbies who dont know about spawn armor.
In a match, I feel it is different. I believe it is the teams responsibility to defend their base, and with team chat, it makes it a reality to coordinate a good defense.![]()
Just my opinion.
*CFS* Own the Skies
I tend to feel that base raping is not the best course of action in this game, but if someone wants to base rape, let them. These pilots who base rape are likely not to get many kills since they have a long way to go to get to a base and then a long way to go to find a farp. With the 7 seconds a person has to spawn without worrying about being shot down (unless they shoot any weapon), this should be more than enough time to locate a base raper.
I say to let people play the game how they want as long as it does not include any cheat. If one can base rape, pop up, spam flares, or any other function of the game, it should be fair even if we don't like it. If they want to hide in the building rooftops, use hot cannons, or fly 8h or 9999h, they should be banned. If they are newbies and need to be taught the difference, give them a hand.
As RAB mentioned in another thread, there are very few people playing this game anymore. I'm one of them. I have been playing the DC/PoE and now the BF2 games more and more. There are comanches in these games and these are games that the manufacturer keeps patches for.
I would say that all of the pilots listed in this thread are good enough to work with or against a base raper and should not let it be a worry. Remember that at the end of the day, this is still ONLY a game.
to bad comanche dont support python code, could set an autoexplode event if they entered a radius around the base....
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